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Europa Clipper spacecraft launch: 9:06am PDT this Monday, Oct. 14th, 2024

The Europa Clipper mission is currently scheduled to launch at 9:06 AM PDT this Monday, 10/14/24. You can watch the live stream on NASA+ here:

Europa Clipper is NASA’s Flagship mission to the Jovian moon Europa, with the primary objective to determine the characteristics of the water ocean that is known to exist under the surface ice. In particular, understanding the subsurface ocean will help determine if Europa is habitable.

Prof. Margaret G. Kivelson of EPSS is the Principal Investigator for the Europa Clipper Magnetometer (ECM) instrument and Dr. Bob Strangeway of EPSS is the ECM sensor lead. The three fluxgate magnetometer sensors of ECM have been designed and built by the Space Magnetometer Lab here at EPSS. ECM is part of the Clipper scientific payload to help determine the properties of Europa’s subsurface ocean through the inductive response of the moon to the time-varying magnetic fields imposed by the relative motion between Europa and Jupiter’s magnetic field. 

Here are some additional websites that may be of interest:

An updated schedule of live events and the platform they’ll stream on:

YouTube view of the launch pad at Cape Canaveral (the Falcon Heavy and Europa Clipper are shown in the top of the video):

NASA website describing the Europa Clipper mission:

Washington Post article describing the scientific objectives of the Europa Clipper mission:

Posted on Oct. 14, 2024